Believing You Can When You Can’t

Rooster crowing

Some singers only think they can sing. Tell them they can’t and you have a hearing problem.

Believing you can when you can’t frustrates others and hinders you. Some leaders only believe they can lead.

Deadly weaknesses masquerade as strength.

What if you’re not really great at:

  1. Delegating.
  2. Organizing.
  3. Motivating.
  4. Encouraging.
  5. Negotiating.
  6. Public speaking.
  7. Running meetings.

What if the issue is you, not them? Feels awkward doesn’t it?

When you believe you can when you can’t:

  1. Issues, faults, and failures become their issues, not yours. The problem is their ears not your glorious voice.
  2. Better is enough. “If you knew how I led meetings in the past, you’d stop complaining about how I lead them now.”
  3. Improvement stops. Why would you improve your speaking skills when you are a great speaker already? What’s been attained is never improved.
  4. Talking is skill. During a recent leadership meeting we discussed the importance of delegating authority rather than tasks. Delegating tasks creates followers. Delegating authority creates leaders. However, in the next breath we delegated tasks. I thought I was good at delegating because I talked the concepts. In reality, I hadn’t adequately defined scope of authority or vision. I ended up delegating tasks.

New Assumption:

You haven’t arrived just yet.
There’s further to go than you think.

  1. Listen to and believe feedback that points to frailties.
  2. Stop excusing and explaining. Remove, “That’s because,” and, “They don’t understand,” from your language.
  3. Develop skills diligently and persistently.

Nearly everyone reading this post has someone over them they’d love to forward this post to, but don’t dare. Maybe it’s you.

How can leaders address the issue that they may have further to go than they think?