Category Archive: Appreciation

The Shocking Truth about Disrespect and How to Overcome It

Nearly 80% of people who feel disrespected are less committed*. Those who aren’t committed find fault. Those who are committed find a way. It might feel good to ‘put people in their place,’… Continue reading

The Boomerang Effect: The Dark Side of Enthusiasm

Lousy leaders keep the peace by giving gravy assignments to psychos and crappy assignments to people with good attitudes. The dark side of enthusiasm is ending up with all the crap assignments. To… Continue reading

Praise, Ability, and Sucking the Life out of People

Praise is informed by the maturity and ability of those being praised. Shoe tying: Imagine little Mary successfully tying her shoe for the first time. Filled with pride, she parades her shoe tying… Continue reading

The CEO of PayPal on Giving Credit

“This idea of the power of giving credit to others — as opposed to your own individual accomplishment — has shaped my entire career. Most people don’t really think about that. They mostly… Continue reading

How Responding to Compliments Changes People

Overreacting to a compliment is self-absorbed arrogance. Some people gush and say, “Oh it’s nothing,” while explaining at the same time how amazing they are. Then there are the verbose self-deprecating denials at… Continue reading

Dealing with Destructive Leadership

Wise leaders give and receive correction. Incompetent leaders tear down and poison relationships. Correction cp. criticism: Correction builds up. Criticism tears down. Correction looks to the future. Criticism camps in the past. Correction… Continue reading