Seven Ways to Spot Advice You Should Follow

Wise leaders listen to wise leaders. But, the danger of seeking advice is listening to fools.

Avoid advice from arrogant know-it-alls who are eager to tell you what to do.

wise advice

3 ways to find wise advisers:

  1. Look for vulnerability, transparency, and courageous candor. (Essentials for successful advisers.)
  2. Reach beyond your circle of friends. Step outside your organization.
  3. Listen for unexpected, contrarian, or discomforting statements. Leaders who are stuck don’t need affirmation.

Wise advice is a window to your future.

Wise advice:

  1. Lifts perspective above the waterline. Good advisers build platforms above issues not in them.
  2. Includes imperfect solutions. Fear of making mistakes motivates advice seeking. When it comes to moving forward, almost perfect is perfect. An idea that feels 70% or 80% right is worth a shot.
  3. Looks to the future more than fixing the past. One reason you seek advice is frustration with the past. But, only the future can be changed. Successful advisers shift your focus.
  4. Applies to the situation. Are you dealing with pressing issues? You need tactical, skills-based advice. Are you plotting the future? You need strategic values-based advice.
  5. Creates clarity with simplicity. Any fool can make something complex. Successful advisers clear the fog. The only way to find simplicity is to face and confront complexity.
  6. Includes what not to do. “What’s not working,” is a powerful conversation, if you can bear it.
  7. Aligns with your values and strengths. Advising a fish to fly won’t help. Good advisers know as much about you as the situation you’re facing. Listen for questions like, “What’s important to you,” and, “What are you great at?”

Bonus: Wise advisers work to generate more than one option.

What does good advice look like to you?

How do you get good advice?

An article by Lolly Daskal got me thinking about this topic.