Fighting the Enemy that Blocks Success

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Inexperienced leaders rage against wrongs they want to right but are short on solutions. It’s easy to point out inadequacies.

Experienced leaders stop raging against wrongs because they’ve experienced the challenge of finding solutions.

Are you wondering if things will ever change? Moving from idealism to implementation drains and may defeat you.

You need someone:

You may be at the deceptive stage of thinking you don’t need others. You’re confused and doomed. It’s true that leaders find themselves in the minority, standing against the tide, fighting norms, and battling stagnation. But there’s more.

Aloneness is the enemy of long-term success. It takes more than one to get it done. The greater the challenge the more people you need.

Be someone:

Find someone by being someone. Become a follower that helps others fight their battles and one day you’ll find that you are a leader with followers.

Following others invites them to follow you.

  1. Listen to the dreams of others; find them in their hopes and frustrations.
  2. Avoid offering solutions; embrace exploration.
  3. Make them feel understood, appreciated, and capable.
  4. Don’t push people to act; it makes them push back.
  5. Focus on the dream by ask what would happen if we did something.

You’ll get where you want to go by helping others get where they want to go. Embrace the idea that leaders serve others so others can serve others.


What do you do to address the problem of aloneness in leadership?


Don’t miss: “5 Cures for Leadership-loneliness


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