The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Over-committed leaders may be remarkable for a while, then they aren’t.

Over-commitment dilutes and destroys.

blurry lights

Cracks and work:

Things are falling through the cracks. I love hard work. I don’t want to work less. I want to matter more. I need to work hard at fewer things.

Busy and hard work are two different things.

I don’t hear complaints about working too hard. I hear complaints about being too busy.

Hard work is what life is all about.

People who don’t need to work, work because they want to matter. Life without hard work is meaningless.

5 principles of remarkable:

  1. Commit to do one thing exceptionally well. Those who can’t commit to being exceptional in one area, commit to being mediocre in all.
  2. Spend over 50% of your time doing your one thing. If you want to be an exceptional leader, spend most of your time practicing leadership, for example.
  3. Maintain fearless focus. You will never be remarkable until you focus your energy. If you’re spread too thin, you’re average at best.
  4. Fill your bucket with things that align with your focus. How does being a remarkable leader connect with being a mom or husband, for example.
  5. Eliminate time-wasters.

Take hold of your focus before someone else does.

7 steps toward remarkable:

  1. Work hard.
  2. Read, “One Word.”
  3. Complete this sentence: All I care about is _______.
  4. Start saying yes to things that align with “all you care about.”
  5. Set a goal of spending 70% of your time doing things you care about.
  6. Govern your schedule by what you care about.
  7. Evaluate results by what you care about.

Remarkable is intentional, not accidental.

What keeps leaders from being remarkable?

How can leaders move toward remarkable?

Resource: “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less,” by Greg McKeown.